Philip J. Uren


RNA-binding protein HuR regulates expression of ABCA1
Cristina M Ramirez, Chin-Sheng Lin, Kotb Abdelmohsen, Leigh Goedeke, Je-Hyun Yoon, Julio Madrigal-Matute, Jose L Martin-Ventura, Dat T Vo, Philip J Uren , Luiz O Penalva, Myriam Gorospe, Carlos Fernandez-Hernando
2014 Journal of Lipid Research
[PDF][Publisher site]

Genomic Analyses Reveal Broad Impact of miR-137 on Genes Associated with Malignant Transformation and Neuronal Differentiation in Glioblastoma Cells
Saleh Tamim, Dat T Vo, Philip J Uren* , Mei Qiao, Eckart Bindewald, Wojciech K Kasprzak, Bruce A Shapiro, Helder I Nakaya, Suzanne C Burns, Patricia R Araujo, Ichiro Nakano, Agnes J Radek, Scott Kuersten, Andrew D Smith, Luiz OF Penalva
2014 PloS one
[PDF][Publisher site]

WTAP is a Novel Oncogenic Protein in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
H Bansal, Q Yihua, SP Iyer, S Ganapathy, D Proia, LO Penalva, PJ Uren , U Suresh, JS Carew, AB Karnad, S Weitman, GE Tomlinson, MK Rao, SM Kornblau, S Bansal
2014 Leukemia
[PDF][Publisher site]

Molecular hierarchy of mammary differentiation yields refined markers of mammary stem cells
Camila O dos Santos, Clare Rebbeck, Elena Rozhkova, Amy Valentine, Abigail Samuels, Lolahon R Kadiri, Pavel Osten, Elena Y Harris, Philip J Uren, Andrew D Smith, Gregory J Hannon
2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (18)
[PDF][Publisher site]

Site identification in high-throughput RNA-protein interaction data
Philip J Uren* , Emad Bahrami-Samani, Suzanne C Burns, Mei Qiao, Fedor V Karginov, Emily Hodges, Gregory J Hannon, Jeremy R Sanford, Luiz OF Penalva, Andrew D Smith
2012 Bioinformatics 28 (23)
[PDF][Publisher site]

The RNA-binding protein Musashi1 affects medulloblastoma growth via a network of cancer-related genes and is an indicator of poor prognosis
Dat T Vo, Dharmalingam Subramaniam, Marc Remke, Tarea L Burton, Philip J Uren, Jonathan A Gelfond, Raquel de Sousa Abreu, Suzanne C Burns, Mei Qiao, Uthra Suresh, Andrey Korshunov, Adrian M Dubuc, Paul A Northcott, Andrew D Smith, Stefan M Pfister, Michael D Taylor, Sarath C Janga, Shrikant Anant, Christine Vogel, Luiz OF Penalva
2012 The American journal of pathology 181 (5) 1762-1772
[PDF][Publisher site]

Genomic analyses of the RNA-binding protein Hu antigen R (HuR) identify a complex network of target genes and novel characteristics of its binding sites
Philip J Uren*, Suzanne C Burns, Jianhua Ruan, Kusum K Singh, Andrew D Smith, Luiz OF Penalva
2011 Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (43) 37063-37066
[PDF][Publisher site]

Directional DNA methylation changes and complex intermediate states accompany lineage specificity in the adult hematopoietic compartment
Emily Hodges, Antoine Molaro, Camila O Dos Santos, Pramod Thekkat, Qiang Song, Philip J Uren, Jin Park, Jason Butler, Shahin Rafii, W Richard McCombie, Andrew D Smith, Gregory J Hannon
2011 Molecular cell 44 (1) 17-28
[PDF][Publisher site]

Improving promoter prediction using multiple instance learning
Philip J Uren*, R Mike Cameron-Jones, Arthur HJ Sale
2008 AI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence 289-299
[PDF][Publisher site]

MAUSA: using simulated annealing for guide tree construction in multiple sequence alignment
Philip J Uren*, R Mike Cameron-Jones, Arthur HJ Sale
2007 AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence 599-608
[PDF][Publisher site]

Promoter prediction using physico-chemical properties of DNA
Philip Uren*, R Michael Cameron-Jones, Arthur Sale 2006 Computational Life Sciences II 21-31 [PDF][Publisher site]

* indicates first or co-first authorship

I have acted as a reviewer for the follwoing journals, conferences, and meetings:

  • Nucleic Acids Research
  • Bioinformatics
  • Genome Biology
  • PLoS One
  • Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  • RECOMB 2014
  • the 2006 Joint Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence which was held in Hobart and hosted by the University of Tasmania.


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All work on this page by Philip Uren is licensed under a
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Site last updated 17th May 2014